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careface :|

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Partypoker rakeback
  careface_, Mar 24 2020

Is this still a good place to get it? Please specify and write in PM, thanks

Looking to grind a little bit while in isolation 14 days

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Anyone speak Turk?
  careface_, Jun 09 2017

Looking for someone who speaks Turk and English.

I would like to validate with them if google translate does a decent job eng>turk or if it is horrible.


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PLO Fun/PLO Interrogations
  careface_, Aug 26 2015

Hi guys,

I've never really had a blog here, or at least for a while. Little background, I've been playing NL200-NL400 for 7-8 years, give and take, always did fairly good but have been completely poker-sick for the past 2-3 years (still grinding as only/main income). Barely average over 30k hands of 6max nowadays per month, etc etc.

Was looking for something different, I've stopped learning NL a few years back, never really watched videos, never really worked on my game more than a few hours per week, etc. And a few weeks back, I really wanted to get that pleasure and feeling back, the one where you want to be the best, you work hard, you try to learn, etc.

So I tried some PLO for fun, I've played maybe 100k hands lifetime of PLO but never really got into it, and never really studied it.

I've been working very hard on it for the past 2-3 weeks, logged in about 50k hands of low stakes, tried to find leaks, exploitative stuff to do vs regs, instead of just grinding it out. Tried to be good/great instead of just beating the games, etc.

Played the first 3/4th of my hands without any hud nor tracker, and that swinged a lot, that was pretty random. I'd take a lot of notes but still, that was pretty damn random and still did okayish.

I've came up with about 8-9 questions, interrogations, I have about the game, about hands, about spots, about the thinking behind a play, the thinking the average reg has, etc.

I was wondering if anybody would like to talk about these, looking for someone who is trying hard to improve in the game and has a at least low stakes background and some success in poker in general (meaning not PLO only, if you had some success in NL and you are starting in PLO, you probably have a good thought process and it could be interesting).

Anyway, some of my interrogations I have written down can look a little bit like this,

- What is the true value of 3betting AA, in so many spots people/regs do it as the most standard play in the book, but how good is it in 3-4 different spots (ip, oop, stack sizes, multiway possibily, fish vs reg, etc)

- What stats and what hand sample to look for before knowing what exactly to do in most spots vs a particular regular. Combo of hud stats that are important in PLO vs NL?

- Bet sizings and inducing in PLO vs NL, what is there to change, should we think differently?, etc.

Anyway this wasn't really a blog, I'm pretty much only looking for someone to talk to to clear my mind, I've got many questions and many thoughts on my mind after playing a huge marathon of Omaha (for me), in the past few weeks.

Cheers, PM if you want to discuss.

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